What every christian woman needs to know to stop craving sugar and binge eating Can you break the binge? Well here is what every christian woman needs to know to stop craving sugar and binge eating. If you found yourself thinking and wondering how hard it might be to stop binge eating and stick to eating real healthy food once and for all, I can assure you, it really is possible. There is help for christian women seeking help for binge eating. It just takes you to make the decision to act in faith to make a change to improve for your life. I can tell you first hand that without prayer I would not be where i am today. Without faith in God the only place I would be, is standing in doubt and i would not of been able to stop binge eating.You don’t want to be stuck in doubt forever. Right? That’s why I decided to create a real food real faith challenge. It’s not about following a REAL strict path of dieting but instead we look at our faith and our Christian lifestyle as a whole. Let me help you take a new approach with a new perspective here. As we strive to Learn Grow and Change we will keep our focus on the middle word being growth. This is where we see ourselves grow spiritually, mentally and physically as we adapt to a new way of eating. Today I am asking you to decide and commit your ways unto the Lord and trust that you can learn and master your way to a new lifestyle and begin to rethink what you are about to experience. This is similar to prayer and fasting without feeling that this healthy eating journey is going to be too extreme like what most people would think. Your practice is about relaxing, by getting away from stress and the busyness of life by finding peace and a calm in the presence of God. In your quiet time begin to humbly ask God what you are hoping to see change. Do you want negative emotions to slip away? Do you want a deeper desire to pray more? Do you want help to have more self-confidence? You get what it mean right? Dieting is so much more than just seeing your weight change or seeing your cravings stop. For this reason we need to commit to pray everyday. But you might be thinking how and what to pray for? Just start talking to God about your commitment to stop eating junk food. Pray to God about the will to get rid of sugar cravings. Pray to God in faith about what kind of results you are expecting. Pray to God about the healings you are hoping for. Pray to God to strengthen your health and focus on your health and not your (weight) appearance. For myself I realized that when I was able to take my eyes off of me and fix my eyes on Christ (my book Fixing My Fattening Life) that my healing and strength grew tremendously. So you first need to pray in faith that you want a deeper desire to grow in your relationship with Jesus. Jesus will surely fix you! Your healer will make it all possible for you to stop binge eating. Let’s take a look on some very important words to carry you through your challenge to grow in Christ. We want to lean on Jesus with our burdens, your Prince of Peace. He is the only one who can fill your emptiness with peace. It’s when we lack peace that we lose hope and so keep this message first and foremost as your first step to stay running the race to your healer. Remember we need to first know that we are able to adapt to God’s ways. That is a promise in the bible. So when we get rid of bad unhealthy food we will focus on the healthy version of food that we find satisfying. It’s when we gain divine power over “strongholds” that we start to feel physically and emotionally better. Our challenge is to get rid of the reasoning in our mind of “why” we might not want to quit. [For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy stronghold. 2Cor10:4] What reasoning your might ask. It’s the reasoning going on inside my mind, “well just have a little piece it won’t hurt.” Or here’s another one, “there’s just one piece left, I guess I should eat it to get rid of it and then i just won’t buy anymore.” We have a tendency to minimize the problem. Sound familiar? So what is the main reason I want to offer the real food real faith challenge is because I know sugar is toxic in plain english. It destroys our health, it destroys our emotions and our thinking. Sugar is poison and this is not just the white granulated stuff that pours out of a sugar bowl. Sugar or what I call BAD CARBS and it comes in so many forms and we crave it more and more. It’s the white stuff that we crave such as: chips, crackers, muffins, pasta, rice, cookies, cake, french fries, you get the picture. If the food is NOT whole food and not refined then it is good for you and I want to help. That’s why it’s so important to find a special time and place where you can meditate on God’s word. Consider starting your special time with God by listening a worship song especially worship music. I recommend beginning with the song “The Voice of Truth. Next if you do decide to commit, get out a piece of paper or a journal and write what you are expecting as a result of fasting and eating only healthy food. Write this bible verse in your journal. Pray about your every need and ask in faith for help with binge eating. Ask God to bless you with a humble mind and a desire to seek holiness in your heart. In closing as you are in the process of learning, growing and changing it’s not what you are doing with food thats make all the difference, it’s what you are becoming. As you become mentally, spiritually and physically strong you will see why learning, growing and changing is so much more valuable than fighting with that number on the scale. It’s not so much about what you do at the gym or what foods you choose to eat. Instead, the key here is who you are becoming on the inside. This is a clear description of a life transformation. [bible verse and quotes about a transformation] ![]() I’ve got a great FREE program for Christian woman that teaches you exactly how to stop binge eating who are feeling tired of stuck and need change. CLICK BELOW TO BOOK A FREE FOOD & FAITH AUDIT & LEARN MORE ![]() It’s time you experience how God is in the business of transforming lives and that means YOU! Don't forget to GRAB your FREE PRINTABLE to start praying positive thoughts to change your life. Download NOW! Click the image! |
LEARN THE MINDSET SHIFTS NEEDED TO END YO-YO DIETING Hi! I am Renee Dumont - Christian life coach, singer, nutrition nut, fine artist, wife and Mom. I am passionate to inspire and motivate Christian women through my own trials and triumphs to ignite their faith and find deliverance from craving sugar and emotional food struggles.
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