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Let's learn more about how to get a positive mindset filled with motivation | positive mindset of faith filled thoughts! WATCH
You’ll learn to stop negative thoughts and instead think with positive a mindset using the power of your faith. I'll show you the same tools I use everyday to break through your poor thinking habits and how you can search your soul for personal growth and development and lose weight with lasting change.
how to stop negative thoughts and think positive | faith | christian weight loss
This video teaches you what strongholds are and what shortcomings are and the difference that effect our negative thinking. Strongholds are prisons we build in our mind overtime until we feel STUCK and fall for the lies of the enemy. Wrong thoughts are creating a life of misery, but there is a way of TURNING this around to finally be free from damaging thoughts. Christians have such a BIG advantage because you can use the power of your faith with the strategies that i practice myself in my everyday life to keep your weight at a healthy place for life!
Here’s what to expect in the next FREE Real food~ Real Faith challenge. The difference is this time the "real food" is the Jesus food. We are going to focus on is the bread of life the real powerful and life-giving food! That's right, so we're going to learn how to apply the power of our faith to regain our self confidence and think positively of the person God created you to be.
How many times have you and I tried and failed at getting back on a diet trying to lose weight but then sooner or later for some reason everything gets messed up and we derail only to find myself stuck again and again. There is hope and there is a better way because the good news is, that we can all change. First of all we need to understand what is the underlying problem. I am here to encourage you to begin by giving your heart and mind to christ and be willing to change. Change how? What do I mean by that? What do I mean by willing to change? I mean willing to take on a new approach because as you know, you and I have been going on diets for years and they work but sooner or later we find ourselves failing yet again. What we need to do, is admit that they don’t last and then look at the REAL reasons why we lost control. How to stop negative thoughts and think positive through faith in your weight loss journey Our first step is the willingness for self-examination and then put an action plan in place to learn from. This is how we begin to take on the responsibility of taking care of our health and wanting to find inner happiness and peace with food. I’m excited to share that I'm here to teach you to train your brain to think positive so that you will want to stay on that track especially when times are getting rough. Some of you have taken some of my courses, you hear me mention the word strongholds. I thought it'd be a great idea to at least start by going over this topic and teach you the difference between a shortcoming and a stronghold. I first want to begin by sharing with you that a stronghold is something that develops over a long period of time and the thoughts hold us bound. It's almost like walls of a prison start to build around us as we feel locked inside negative thinking patterns. Did you read my book, Fixing My Fattening Life? Well if you decide you are interested you'll notice that the second and the third chapters are entitled, Why Success Begins in How We Think and the third chapter is entitled, Develop Healthy Routines For Your Lifestyle. Right here I’m upfront explaining something critical about the power of thoughts and how to practice (exercising) training your brain so that you don't find yourself looking for old ways of losing weight only to find yourself messing up the "old way" again and again. The more we mess up the more we rob ourselves of gaining our self-confidence. Repeated failure is proof that we cannot do it on our own and I don’t believe you want to stay stuck and in discouragement, right? Here's the thing, you need to ask yourself if you are willing to COMMIT to a daily commitment to grow in self-awareness and talk to God about truth and believing He can bless you with power, strength and wisdom that results in a renewed mind and soul. positive mindset weight loss | positive mindset faith So a stronghold is something that develops over time where we actually put ourselves in a prison because of negative thinking patterns. That prison makes us believe that we can only lose weight for so long or that we can ONLY do so much or go so far. We feel like we are NOT capable of doing anything beyond a certain limit. We place the limits on ourselves because of lies of the enemy. Satan has a way of convincing us that there is an easier and more comfortable way out of our struggles. We find convincing thoughts running through our brain like (examples) "I never weighed less than ______lbs and so I think this is the way I am made." "I only eat a tiny bit and i gained 10lbs just by eating it _____and only on_____and so I don't get it. We are lead to believe something that keeps us falling short. We need to learn how to realize the truth of these thoughts and then bring them into captivity before we let our thoughts and imaginations run away with us. Our thoughts tell us that we desire to be comfortable, we don’t like to struggle and so we get stuck in our old ways and our old habits, we thought we gonna makes us comfortable. Truth is, something needs to come along and break this negative thinking pattern so we can breakfree from those awful self-induced prison walls. Here is a bible verses for strength! For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete" (2 Corinthians 10:4-6).
Ok so, a shortcoming is a stumbling block. We walk about in our everyday life not really seeing a clear path to follow. So we need God’s guidance to help us see what is clearly right and what is clearly wrong. Sadly when we let our emotions guide us we are choosing to walk in darkness. With the help of the bible, God’s word will show you what is truth, and by beholding the word you can trust that the bible is shining the light upon your feet so will not want to walk into (temptation) stumbling blocks. You will feel safe, content and strengthen to walk your weight loss journey empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Here is a bible verses for strength: Psalm 119:105 King James Version (KJV)(105) Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
This is a taste of what I teach you in our REAL FOOD REAL FAITH LIFESTYLE PROGRAM. You learn how God's ways and God's light will actually expose those dark areas in your mind and will bring to your mind His love and truth. The negative thinking patterns are ONLY lies of the enemy that is out to make you feel like a failure.
If you have not heard my testimony, I was I was actually born a 12 lb baby and by the age of 11 to 12 years old I grow to weigh 180lbs. For three years i suffered brutal and constant ridiculed of being called names and all that name-calling made me believe that I was ugly and unwanted. As i grew older I fell into abusive relationships that lead to lots of insulting remarks. Those remarks left painful wounds and scars on my brain and as a result I lost my self-confidence. We have to train our brain stop thinking about what other people think, to stop thinking those negative thoughts and replace our mindset with positive thoughts. Satan is the fault finder. Satan wants to entice us and make us feel weak so that we are convinced that his weapon and our wanting an eating fix will make a difference. I want to help you understand WHAT spiritual weapons to use and WHY you need to commit to using them daily until you feel your inner man, your inner thoughts about yourself change for the better. First it is critical that you take a in-depth look at what is really happening inside the brain on a scientific level. The way our brain is wired to think negative thoughts and how to rewire your brain to function efficiently providing the functionality your brain needs to get you strong and healthy. Do you want to find out how? The number one reason why losing weight is SO HARD is because we can't stop negative thoughts from running through our brain. In the coming weeks I'm going to reveal some empowering bible verses to meditate on so you can rewire your brain by applying the power of prayer and scripture for weight loss which in turn will improve your thinking skills. Start by believing you were created with a very special purpose and plan on seeking a little deeper everyday as to what that calling is in your life. Your ultimate goal is to lose the weight without constant food cravings for good by changing what you do, learning why you do it and then letting God instill wisdom, truth and a new attitude to live the healthy Christian life you are dreaming of. Learn how to unleash the mastermind in you so you can quickly demolish damaging thoughts and kick away the stumbling blocks that make you fall off track from losing weight. All it takes is for you to decide and commit your ways to the Lord. God bless you! If this sounds interesting than this program might be for you. I'll train you to create a peaceful path on your weightloss journey. END FOOD FRUSTRATION & DEPRESSION BECAUSE YOU'RE WORTH IT! Sign-up HERE It's FREE and you will learn the tools and practices you need to start doing today to cast out damaging thoughts and how to train your brain to think positive through practicing your faith in the Lord. ISN'T IT TIME YOU EXPERIENCE WHY DIETS DON'T LAST? ***SHARE THIS POST with your friends - CLICK LIKE BELOW! REPIN OR Follow me on Pinterest! ![]()
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FREE PRINTABLE affirmations for healthy christian women who want to lose weight. christian weight loss affirmations CLICK THE IMAGE |
LEARN THE MINDSET SHIFTS NEEDED TO END YO-YO DIETING Hi! I am Renee Dumont - Christian life coach, singer, nutrition nut, fine artist, wife and Mom. I am passionate to inspire and motivate Christian women through my own trials and triumphs to ignite their faith and find deliverance from craving sugar and emotional food struggles.
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