A Short Powerful Devotion | christian weight loss
This short powerful devotional for Christian weight loss will help remind you about Godly principles and the things that matter most. It's important for me to encourage you because I'm on a mission to help women all over the world overcome emotional eating and food struggles.
So today I’m going to start with a short powerful devotion to strengthen and guide you in your Christian walk and weight loss journey. It's actually going to have a bible verse as well as to get you to think thoughts you can relate to. I know you are here because we are in fact on a mutual level with me concerning our struggles with weight loss and the difficult things that are going on in the world. Finally I'm going to open up with the devotion below to help you to think deeply so that you can connect with your inner self and be able to bring these thoughts to the Lord in prayer. If you are anything like me, I bet you can’t count how many years have gone by that you’ve tried diet after diet after you lost your focus. I know what it's like to feel like that. And it's probably been too long of a time you decided that you want to lose weight. With all good intentions you decide to make some positive changes and then you fall off track only to find yourself in a state of discouragement. Well I’m here to assure you that devotions are hands down one of the best tools to help us think deeply by keeping God's truth in the center of your weight loss journey. The benefits of christian weight loss devotional
So why are devotionals so helpful? Short devotions help your to understanding by setting our mind on truth. When we are apart from God we're so caught up in the struggle with food, we are blinded and we're actually missing some very key thoughts that are causing us to have these unhealthy eating habits. So today's short daily devotion will help you to walk, walk, walk in faith and I am confident it will pick you up and to keep you going.
Today's devotion has a bible verse in Deuteronomy 11:13 which reads and it shall come to pass if you hearken diligently unto the commandments which I command you this day, to love the Lord with all your heart and all your soul. So let's think about the word diligently for a minute. What and why is God telling us to hearken unto the lord diligently? Well first let's take a look at the word hearken. The word hearken means to listen carefully and God wants us to listen often. It's when we choose to listen carefully that the voice of truth (the Holy Spirit) actually speaks to us as we pay attention because of the love that we have for the Lord.
With Valentines day happening this month why not start praying and meditating using devotionals as a tool to learn just how much God loves you and just how important it is to Him that you also love yourself the way God loves you? Your body is a good body and it belongs to Christ. It is designed to be the place where you and God meet and where you engage in the world with His love.
Did you ever stop to think about God's commandment to love our neighbors as ourselves? SEE [MARK 12: 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’] What does loving yourself look like when it comes to taking care of yourself? Are you nourishing and taking care of yourself as a member of God's body? This week we’re going to seeing the pattern of this world lining the shelves with chocolate candy, romance and flowers. Valentine’s Day is going to fill our mind with illusions and images that entice us to eat candy and things that are addicting, especially chocolate. Speaking about Valentine's Day, what about the thoughts of romance? How often have you heard yourself saying, “I wish, I wish I had a body like hers”. How often have we tried to lose weight and look good for a man? Is your body meant to be a sex symbol or a sanctuary? An ornament or an instrument? Are you living for self-gratification or God’s glorification? As Christians our main focus when trying to lose weight and maintain it means we are after purity not vanity. Ok, I said enough, I promise you'll love this short devotion that you can meditate on daily. LET"S DIVE INTO THIS SHORT POWERFUL DEVOTION
Loving Truth
Ephesians 5:29-30 For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church: but we are members of his body, of his flesh and of his bones. Since it's the truth that sets us free, free from foods that are addicting, free from unhealthy habits and free from crippling emotions, we come to love this truth even when it hurts. To love God is to love truth. It is by listening to God that we learn to be more aware of ourselves and of others. When we are willing to spend time alone in stillness we are willing to seek the will of the Father. To love God means we are willing to give up our own will and become receptive to the love of God. Removing our trigger foods and changing our eating habits is necessary in order to stop feeding our illusions and let God’s truth shine through. As we choose to live according to the truth we experience the fact that we see self-defeating habits slip away as we choose to no longer cling to old damaging dependencies. God's love and truth is life-changing because it is him that is changing us and we are gradually able to assimilate the reality of our situation. By accepting reality and God‘s love in our heart and by refraining from using food as an escape we are able to live with truth instead of illusions. Daily Devotions and Prayers
LEARN THE MINDSET SHIFTS NEEDED TO END YO-YO DIETING Hi! I am Renee Dumont - Christian life coach, singer, nutrition nut, fine artist, wife and Mom. I am passionate to inspire and motivate Christian women through my own trials and triumphs to ignite their faith and find deliverance from craving sugar and emotional food struggles.
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