scripture for weight loss | scripture for losing weightWeight loss can seem like a huge mountain to climb until we learn how scripture fills the mind with wisdom and makes losing weight so much easier. For years and years I battled with [sugar addiction] my peanut M&M's calling me. They were tucked away neatly under my vegetables in the Frig for safe keeping. Truth is, I was the one not playing it safe. Until I started paying attention to the voices inside me, I was lost. I had to pay close attention to the battle in my mind. Lost in a world of lies...When the sugar cravings started calling me I knew I needed to take charge before that first bite. It was a matter that I really needed to get learn, on how to get aggressive to rise up against the enemy. The enemy that I knew was out to ultimately steal my joy so that I would be unhealthy and not able to lose weight. I had to think about the fact that If I was to keep going down that road it meant I would be sick and depressed and I did not want that for my life. How about you? With God we have hope! Hope can transform our life. Is there something holding your back? These are the things we need to take to God in prayer and wage war against the enemy. Temptation is real. Satan knows our weaknesses. Do you want to let Him rule us with candy, cookies and donuts? Do you want to learn how to Rise Up In Christ and get serious take a stand to lose weight? Here are scriptures for weight loss and a devotional to help you change your mindset and take charge through self-examination and Godly insight. God bless You Discipline, Huh? This is NOT FUN At All Hebrews 12:11: All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness. Remember that if we want God to do his part we first have to do our's by making all the necessary changes we need to do and then God's hand will begin to move over our life. BE BOLD and BE COURAGEOUS and God will be the place of freedom and peace with-in for you years to come! God bless you Book a FREE Motivational Food and Faith Session HERE scripture for weight loss | scripture for losing weight![]() Be transformed into His image and Let God be the master of your life. Let go of the junk food and take part in the REAL FOOD ~ REAL FAITH LIFESTYLE. IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE.
Book a FREE Motivational Food and Faith Session HERE and find out how you can get private personalized coaching for the first 30 days RISK FREE and have 24/7 support and guidance for hope, healing and weight loss. GET STARTED TODAY $10 for 30 days "TRY ME OFFER" HURRY SPACE IS LIMITED and offer ends in a few weeks. Please CLICK THE "LIKE" button to share a comment on Facebook! |
LEARN THE MINDSET SHIFTS NEEDED TO END YO-YO DIETING Hi! I am Renee Dumont - Christian life coach, singer, nutrition nut, fine artist, wife and Mom. I am passionate to inspire and motivate Christian women through my own trials and triumphs to ignite their faith and find deliverance from craving sugar and emotional food struggles.
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