How To Control Food Cravings| Overeating | Binge EatingRejection from being overweight or being told your just not good enough hurts deeply. I know because I was a victim of it. Like myself many overeaters discovered in childhood that binge eating junk food would soothed feelings of hurt, and sadness. I was lucky my Mom took me to overeaters anonymous at age 12 and I can tell you that just the Serenity Prayer alone was a Big help for me as it helped me to take time for self-examination. Sadly, In some cases, parents are not available and are not capable or willing to take their kids for some kind of support. When we feel isolated, left out, and like no one seems to understand our problems then it is more likely that food will be used as a way to feel good or comforted. This is especially true for kids who have a mind of always thinking about the goodies. So, it's very possible our binge eating habits began because of the way we were brought up and we just did not learn about boundaries when it comes to food. I know first hand that High carb foods and foods with high sugar content were foods that I craved the most because they worked best for me. These sugar cravings continued into adulthood when bad things happened. For many of us, the ups and downs in life result by binge eating or otherwise called compulsive overeating and we become unhealthy, obsesses and we experience sugar spikes of HIGH Blood sugar and depression. It's common that when people hurt us we suffer from a lack of self-esteem and this was me for sure! But wait a minute! What does the bible say about our self-image once we accept God's love in our lives? When you grow in this understanding of who you are in Christ, you can let go of wrong thinking or any rejection from others. You can rise above the "blues" of depression and say with the Psalmist, “Why are you so downcast O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? For I will yet praise Him – my Savior and my Lord” (Psalm 42:5). In myvideo course "Conquer Cravings For Christians I mentioned that, the bible teaches us, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he". Proverbs 23:7 So, once you believe that you are valuable in God’s sight — you will start acting like it. You will assert yourself and set boundaries so people will treat you with the dignity someone made in God’s image deserves.You won't bring yourself down to someone else's level to be the bigger man or lower yourself to be more acceptable. You will be able to control binge eating habits. You will let go of the obsession with clothing, makeup, excessive exercise and adorning yourself hoping to impress others. When it comes to binge eating we want to be able to control our cravings by eating healthy food and proper portions. We don't want to let our bad habits go on for too long that we suffer from a lack of nutrients that contribute to depression, diabetes, gallbladder disease, heart disease, and more. Are you feeling bad about yourself lately and need someone to pick you up and build you up? If so, I want to invite you to Join our group, We have a private phone conference call and we have a private Facebook group. HEY! HEY! HEY! FREE WEEKLY PHONE MEETINGS WHEN: WED night at 7pm. But SPACE IS LIMITED!!! I am offering faith based support for binge eaters, overeaters of all levels and shapes and sizes! it does not matter if you are overweight, underweight or somewhere in-between. Taste and see how wonderful life can be as we draw near to the one who was REJECTED the most. Jesus Himself! GET $50 OFF video course REG.$75 CLICK HERE *for only a measly $25
LEARN THE MINDSET SHIFTS NEEDED TO END YO-YO DIETING Hi! I am Renee Dumont - Christian life coach, singer, nutrition nut, fine artist, wife and Mom. I am passionate to inspire and motivate Christian women through my own trials and triumphs to ignite their faith and find deliverance from craving sugar and emotional food struggles.
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