Christian weight lossChristian Weight Loss: 5 strategies for long term weight loss success
Christian weight loss consist of a true transformation by God himself by submitting to his ways and by turning away from our own foolish desires that lead to destruction. It's when we pray that God makes it possible to "SHIFT" your patterns and focus can changing eating behaviors in your life. That's what this verse is about, ROMANS 12:2. It means renewing your mind, changing the way you think to create a better life for yourself and a life that honors God.
The question we all long to find is how to lose weight long term. It’s important that you realize that God cares about your physical, mental and spiritual health. But when it comes to weight loss, Christians need to realize that they are a soul not just a person with a body. You see Christian weight loss means that your spirit and your deepest thoughts have a NEED to grow in order to change what’s happening on the inside. Today I wanna share with you five strategies for long term weight loss success as well as what a true life changing transformation is like so that you live life without stressing over food, emotional eating, the dreadful diet mindsets that cause you to give up on trying to lose weight. Perhaps you have been on an emotional and spiritual roller coaster and that you are looking for some encouragement if you have been sitting on a plateau for a while. My goal is to get those gears going again and nudge you to renew your relationship with Jesus and invite him to be at the center of your christian weight loss and lifestyle for guidance from the Holy Spirit. One thing that often gets in the way of being able to lose weight is that we have little confidence in ourselves and we have a very poor self-image. When we turn to the bible we discover who we are in Christ. I’m talking about your identity in Christ. When we accept Jesus for who He is, we become brand new creatures. See (2 Corinthians 5:17) We've gained an entirely new identity as well as the gifts of the Holy Spirit with a purpose and a calling on our life. You are a child of the king! Until age 12 I was called every name in the book from kids in town. Names like “Tiny, Ma-Ma Cass and Fatso”. I felt shame, guilt and like a misfit. It’s when I realized that Christ was nailed to the cross and sacrificed his life for me, it was when it really hit deep in my soul that Jesus would have never died for someone with no self-worth. You are of great value and so shame could be one of the ruling negative mindsets that cause pain. Pain is real and it is that pain that makes us find comfort in food. Today I want you to realize that God loves you deeply. Your life is a gift and your life came with a price that God died for you to have. SEE 1 Cor 6:20 For you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. We can begin to do the best we can with our life as our gift back to him. As you begin to grow in your relationship with Jesus he will instill in you Godly insight and wisdom which will fill your spirit, mind and soul. Here’s the thing: unless you are willing to put aside time each day to allow the insight to guide you and change your desires then you are never gonna change. You have a choice, the choice is yours. You can invest time everyday in your overall health and well being or you can waste your time elsewhere. It’s important to not be stagnant and not continue to waste time thinking there is a fast solution and that you can do it on your own with the newest diet plan. In Colossians 3:16 we read: 16 Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. You can pray to God today about this message and begin to sing to God for helping you learn about Christian weight loss and overcoming thoughts that get in your way. Let's take a look at what happened in Jackie's life. Jackies Christian Weight Loss Journey![]()
Jackie just didn’t know where to start and felt like she needed help. She was about 35 years old at the time. She gradually gained lots of weight over the years and she had several health issues that stood in the way, including a brain injury. She had been through many diet plans and she would lose the weight and then soon gain the weight back.
When Jackie came to me she told me she was actually searching on the Internet for a new weight loss program but the person she was following happened to not be a Christian. What attracted Jackie to this particular person was that she was a person who would exercise for people who were plus size and needed to lose 100lbs or more. Jackie happened to weigh almost 350 pounds at the time and was desperate to try a weight loss program designed for Christians in mind. Jackie tried both exercise programs and diet programs but when she found out about me, she learned what a Christian weight loss program is really all about. I could see that the light bulb went off in her mind and she felt motivated to dig her heels in and take action to grow closer to God and lean on him. Once we did a personal assessment together Jackie came to realize that she also had a problem with mindset barriers and emotional eating and she wanted God to heal her in various ways. As you can see in the picture God did just that and she is still developing skills both mentally and spiritually and in the kitchen. I encouraged Jackie to begin her weight loss plan through worshiping God and learning new biblical principles. Those biblical principles gave Jackie a new Christian perspective on weight loss. Here are five tips and biblical tools Christian people like myself and Jackie practice daily to lose weight and keep it off and you can too! Christian weight loss begins with gladness
Tip #1 Worship God with Gladness
Begin by worshiping God with gladness. Give praise and thanks for all the blessings that he’s giving you in life. Don’t dwell on your frustration, just give God the glory. Psalm 100: 1-2 shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth. Serve the Lord with gladness and come before him with joyful singing. Let the love and power of God fill your heart, mind and soul and guide you as you draw near to him. Stay focused on your relationship with God and forget about focusing on the shape of your body. Let the bread of life feed your soul and enrich your mind with insight and wisdom. God made you unique in that each individual has certain dietary needs. There’s no one perfect diet plan, there is no one size fits all it’s really about learning more about your mental and physical needs and bringing those needs before God because diets don’t fill those needs. Christain weight loss focuses on nutrition
Tip #2 Nutrition
Genesis 1:29 And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food. So eating anything fruit or veggie with seeds that bears fruit is good for you. The most important part about eating for weight loss is to focus on foods that are plants that God created since the beginning of time. Plants are full of fiber and water and fill you up and keep you feeling satisfied. Plant food will not make you have cravings and will reduce the amount of sugar in your body while helping you to lose weight. Plant foods are very low in calories and give your body a chance to utilize fat for energy. Plant foods stabilize blood sugar and help your body to absorb nutrients your body needs for healing and strength. Not that it’s the only food you can eat but the more you eat the more you will want to eat and will help you to create a sustainable weight loss journey. It’s important to realize what you eat will be something you will adapt to over time if you make it a priority. Top foods in the bible for weight loss and health Let's take a look at some of the healthiest food we can eat from the bible. For starters we can read for ourselves in the Bible certain foods Jesus himself ate. In John 21 we see that Jesus wanted to sit and eat fish even after he rose from the dead. 11 Simon Peter went up and dragged the net to land, full of large fish, one hundred and fifty-three; and although there were so many, the net was not broken. 12 Jesus said to them, “Come and eat breakfast.” Yet none of the disciples dared ask Him, “Who are You?”—knowing that it was the Lord. 13 Jesus then came and took the bread and gave it to them, and likewise the fish. So we see that Jesus ate both fish and bread. Here is another example, Luke 24:41-43 says: “41. And while they yet believed not for joy, and wondered, he said unto them, Have ye here any meat? 42. And they gave him (Jesus) a piece of a broiled fish, and of a honeycomb. 43. And he took it, and did eat before them.” So, we do know for a fact that Jesus ate fish and honey. Some other foods mentioned in the bible would be figs (Jesus attempted to eat figs from a fruitless fig tree on the road to Jerusalem). They ate grapes, raisins, and drank wine as well as grape juice. Remember that Jesus called Himself “The True Vine.” We also read about the Mount of Olives in the bible and it was a very significant place regarding the life of Jesus. The Mount of Olives has the highest peak of 2,684 feet and offers a scenic view of Old Jerusalem. The Mount of Olives was named for the olive groves that lined the hillside. To this day, there is an olive tree over 2,000 years old on the hillside. It has also been called “The Mount of Anointment” because of the pressing of olives for the oil that was used in the anointing of Kings. It is significant and symbolic that Jesus likely knelt under the covering of olive trees and prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, located on the Mount of Olives right before His betrayal. So we know for sure that olives and olive oil are foods Jesus ate and we as Christains should consume them for weight loss and health.
TIP #3 Meditate on Healing Scriptures
Ask God to give you the discipline to commit to listening to healing scriptures. Take time to build up your faith by meditating on God’s word. When you meditate on God’s word you will be putting up a wall from being attacked by the enemy. Satan wants us to feel emotionally and physically defeated. We cannot allow ourselves to be led away with lies, instead we need to increase our belief that God will make us strong and bless us with the desire to practice healthy habits. Romans 10:17 “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Christian weight loss includes movement
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Tip #4 Movement - the bible seems to teach us lessons based on movement. see 1 Corinthians 9:26-27 Thus I do not run aimlessly; I do not fight as if I were shadowboxing. No, I drive my body and train it, for fear that, after having preached to others, I myself should be disqualified. Clearly we see that people exercised thousands of years ago, but Paul was making a point about training our life with purpose and diets do not teach us about any other goals except watching the numbers on the scale go down. Diets do not address the fact that our soul desires and craves meaning and truth. Think about how God is moving in your life right now... What does it mean to run aimlessly? It means having no goal, purpose, or direction. We learn from Paul that he did not live his Christian life aimlessly but with self-discipline towards God’s purpose for his life. He ran with a clear eye on the finish line, with a definite aim on his goal. He did not run irresolutely or aimlessly. He was clear about the purpose of his life. Studies show that movement reduces depression because it releases chemicals called endorphins. When you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins. These endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain. Endorphins trigger a positive feeling in your mind. Movement builds strength and confidence and confidence builds motivation. Self-confidence, or the belief in one’s own ability to reach a specific outcome, can boost motivation. Confidence will propel an individual to make progress towards their goals. Practice daily exercise to move forward and focus on your mood not your weight. Speaking about movement here is a devotional I wrote based on the Topic “Movement” to inspire Christians to move forward. Christian weight loss requires devotional time
Tip #5 Devotional Time- Did someone say devotional time? Christian weight loss involves the desire to abide in God’s word and you can spend time by taking in little bite size pieces at a time to learn, think and pray. Christian weight loss is really about getting alone with God in your little secret place. It’s important to be in conversation with God about your weight problems and to keep track of your eating habits. Devotions are a powerful and transforming tool to gain wisdom and insight as to what God wants for his people. My hope is that this devotional will shine some light in your life today.
HERE IS A DAILY DEVOTIONAL TO GET YOU STARTED! Christian weight loss food for thoughtMovement Deuteronomy 1:6-8 The Lord our God said to us and Horeb, do you have dwelt long enough on this mountain. Turn and take up your journey and go to the hill country of the Amorites… behold I have set the land before you; go in and take possession of the land… Life is movement and to be alive is to move and change. Our lives keep moving in the direction of our most powerful thoughts. There is no standing still unless we allow ourselves to stay stuck in old negative thinking patterns. The Lord said to Herob, you have dwelt long enough on this mountain, turn and take up your journey and go to the hill. Have you been dwelling on your mountain long enough? Have you been battling with food and feeling like you’ve been stuck on the same mountain? Do you feel like you spent 40 years trying to make an 11 day trip? Could this be why you expect to lose weight fast and find that magic pill? We are much like the Israelite's who were told that they could make an 11 day journey which turned out to be 40 years. What was the problem that kept them struggling for so long? Could it be that their mind was held in bondage the way our mind is held in bondage with food? Whether God's people would rise to heights of blessing or sink into destruction would depend upon their attitude toward his word. Are we like God's people who are stuck in disobedience because of lack of trust? With God we can renew our binge eating mind but we have to make a daily quality decision to seek God‘s thoughts and God‘s ways and God will make a way where there seems to be no way out. God will keep you moving in the direction of victory and freedom. We have to have the mindset to not give up until victory is complete and we take possession of the land that God intended for us to have. But here’s the thing, we have to accept the fact that we are being tested. Without acknowledging we are being tested of our faith by means of temptation, there is no victory to be won. There is no standing still. We have to continue to move in the direction of progress or things will just keep getting worse. Let’s keep at it and not find ourselves deluded into going backwards or staying stuck on a mountain. Let’s stop rationalizing, feeling deprived or by making excuses. You were created to move, keep moving and keep seeking and you shall find a way out of the wilderness to a better life beyond your struggle with food. PRAYER STARTER Dear Lord, Today I choose to keep moving in the direction of your thoughts and your ways until I claim victory over food controlling my life. Amen Simply fill the form below and thank you for visiting ENJOY YOUR transformational checklist! It's a powerful tool DON"T FORGET post your comments or questions! You might also be interested in the FREE workshop "4 Mindset Shifts Needed to End Yo-Yo Dieting" see below: God bless you! |
LEARN THE MINDSET SHIFTS NEEDED TO END YO-YO DIETING Hi! I am Renee Dumont - Christian life coach, singer, nutrition nut, fine artist, wife and Mom. I am passionate to inspire and motivate Christian women through my own trials and triumphs to ignite their faith and find deliverance from craving sugar and emotional food struggles.
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