Christian New Year’s Resolution Ideas For Better Health | inspirational christian quotes12/27/2019 HOW ABOUT YOU? Are you waiting for New Year's to arrive to Start New? I'm NOT! Here's why...I am believing God that I am being made "new" every time I seek HIS PRESENCE. Here is where we start to make a "SHIFT" in our mind to experience a life changing transformation in our body & soul. TAKE A LOOK in the mirror and listen to your thoughts. Do you hear the voices within telling you something about your looks? Do you believe your more than just a shell? Do you believe that the power of God lives inside you and you just need some motivation to really believe this? Then let’s think about this a minute... Making a New Year’s resolution is a very long-term commitment, don’t you think? It can be overwhelming and not simple at all. Why because hardships come and go and without any notice we find ourselves off track and full of disappointment. We need to make manageable commitments to ourselves that will lead to replacing dis-empowering thought patterns and limiting beliefs with empowering ones. For years we’ve set resolutions in place with two feet on the ground only to experienced crushing defeat soon after. In fact, 80% of us have failed to keep resolutions by the month of February. But fortunately, we can choose a guiding light or to help empower us to stay focused as we begin this New Year. In order to establish empowering thought patterns , you’ll need to start by identifying the obstacles preventing you from stepping out in faith both in prayer to seek self-examination and to gain Godly wisdom from HIS WORD. You have the God given measure of faith you need inside you and you need to believe that you have the power within you to find a new and refreshing approach. You see it's NOT about getting up the will power that brings change, it's about being empowered. ![]() Instead of weight loss as a resolution for example, I encourage you to first look at the reasons WHY you want to lose weight. Is your (mindset) reasoning based on your tight jeans, or because spring will be here in a few months and you want to go on a tropical vacation and look good on the beach? Let me ask you, on a scale of 1 - 10 how important is your health? I mean if you plan on living until old age are you doing everything you can to fulfill that dream? How about your physical activities? Are you enjoying the freedom of movement or are you going to the gym just to burn off those holiday calories or pounds? Bottom line is this! if you want long life because you love your life, your family and want to take care of yourself than you need to make decisions based on what you REALLY want so you can be active into old age. I call this learning to be your own best friend. You have to somehow finally quit reasoning that it’s because you hate your body, can’t stand to be in pictures, and avoid the mirror at all costs? If your reason is the latter, there are some deeper concerns to address. Truth is, The majority of my clients come into the Real Food ~ Real faith Lifestyle coaching programs come to me wanting to lose weight and change the shape of their bodies. What they must accept though, is that the process for changing the body starts with your mindset. Loving, accepting, and respecting YOURSELF and your body as it is right now is the prerequisite for changing and transforming your life. I’m not talking about a quick fix here. I’m talking about doing the mental and emotional exercises needed to make it work into the very fibers of your being. It means making a commitment to learning and leaning on God to help you get to a place where you make decisions just simply out of pure love. Only then does will power no longer matter… Only then can you feel confident in Christ and follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Once you are Holy Spirit driven you will continue to make the choices that will serve you best for the rest of your life (creating a sustainable lifestyle you love). Proverbs 1:5 A wise man will hear and increase learning, And a man of understanding will attain wise counsel. Using weight loss as the example here; try to make a commitment you may want to make to yourself in 2020 is to look in the mirror and say, “I am perfectly imperfect and I love, accept, and respect myself as I am right now,” every day. Thank the good Lord for your health and pray for a new empowered Christ-like mindset. MAKE A NEW START TODAY: HERE’S HOW
LEARN THE MINDSET SHIFTS NEEDED TO END YO-YO DIETING Hi! I am Renee Dumont - Christian life coach, singer, nutrition nut, fine artist, wife and Mom. I am passionate to inspire and motivate Christian women through my own trials and triumphs to ignite their faith and find deliverance from craving sugar and emotional food struggles.
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