3 Ways To Control Blood Sugar and Crave God | tips to control blood sugar
Here are 3 Healthy Ways To Control Blood Sugar and Crave God
So you are feeling like you are ready to finally put on the brakes to stop crazy sugar cravings so you can get your health back. Right? So the best place to start is to get active and keep moving your body because God created your body for movement. Not to sit at a computer, television and drive a car for hours at a time so this should be your number 1 focus. You first have to make a commitment to God and to yourself to change long-term emotional eating habits by changing your daily routine. Your commitment has to be managed and not forgotten wherever life takes an unexpected turn. Reason I am encouraging you to focus on routines is because we can so easily let life circumstances control our actions in a negative way. For example, I have been struggling for 6 or more months now with bursitis in my hip. I have to tell myself everyday to do what I can to stay moving while allowing my body to heal. By the same token when we are enduring emotional pain and suffering you have to keep moving! Moving forward allows new doors to open. When we allow ourselves to dwell and everything in our world slows down. Soon we spiral into depression and get stuck in a rut behind a closed door. The Cleansing Power of Eating To Control Blood Sugar & CravingsThe cleaner and healthier you eat the more you become internally cleansed. The more you will desire food the way God made it and the less you will have a taste for low-quality or junk food. The same is true spiritually, too. The cleaner you become in your spirit, the less you are attracted to anything polluted, manipulated by man or it’s unclean nature. The cleansing process is key to end sugar cravings and control your blood sugar. Giving up junk food cleanses your spirit, soul, mind, and body all at the same time. Physically, our bodies are constantly eliminating poisons through the lungs, skin, bowels, and kidneys. In fact, our bodies are going through a miraculous process every day, fasting provides the most favorable conditions under which to accomplish these things. When you stick to eating healthy food, the body is free to do the thing it does best, which is a natural self- healing and cleansing process. Don’t Skip Meals To Reduce Sugar Cravings
When you aren’t filling the body with food for a period of time,all the energy that is usually used to digest, assimilate, and metabolize is now spent in purifying the body. Giving up junk food cleanses the bloodstream (remember that I have said about the importance of clean blood). When you allow the internal body to rest by removing toxic food, a cleansing process has begun and the result is better health.
Premature aging is arrested, you become more attractive, you have more energy and you feel better physically, mentally, and spiritually. Every day that you stick to healthy routines you allow your spirit, soul, and body to become cleaner and cleaner. WATCH THE VIDEO TEACHING HERE:
FILL THE FORM | FREE recipe book to control blood sugar cravings
Change When & How to Eat Your Meals
We are all creatures of habit and habits are hard to break. Make sure you change when and how you cook and eat your meals and what you put in your grocery cart when you shop. Instead of giving in to a craving, have a shower, go for a prayer walk, or put up the phone to call a friend and talk about your cravings to someone who has overcome unwanted sugar cravings.
Here are 12 reasons to give up junk food that cause sugar cravings
Whether you are too thin or too heavy, choosing to eat healthier and exercising in between, will balance your body, mind and spirit in every way. I must repeat that the key to achieving good healthy weight loss lies in how you eat and when you eat. Eating only to reward or comfort yourself is totally self- defeating. Our bodies were not designed to be underweight or overweight: both conditions mean that your body is out of balance as the result of improper treatment. With improper treatment your body has to respond with natural good balance. So don’t worry if you are too thin or too overweight. A one-to-three off days won’t hurt you. You just have to KEEP MOVING. Living a healthy Christian lifestyle will rid the body and mind of poisons, balance it out, improve your digestion, and assimilation, and help you reach normal weight, no matter what weight you are to begin with. However, the time it takes for this to happen is different for each person. For example, an underweight person may find he have lost five pounds while someone overweight loses only two pounds. It seems like a cruel injustice and a sad turn of events, but if you keep eating healthy and stick to your new daily routines and eat the way you’re supposed to your body will balance out. An underweight person will begin to gain, and an overweight person will begin to lose. These have been just a few of the many wonderful built-in rewards for obedience to God and for eating in a way that glorifies Him.
Here is a valuable resource to Control Your Blood Sugar & Crave God
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LEARN THE MINDSET SHIFTS NEEDED TO END YO-YO DIETING Hi! I am Renee Dumont - Christian life coach, singer, nutrition nut, fine artist, wife and Mom. I am passionate to inspire and motivate Christian women through my own trials and triumphs to ignite their faith and find deliverance from craving sugar and emotional food struggles.
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